Irritating Professors
Jon Cogburn has an amusing post on the personality types of irritating professors (or at least for assistant and full professors; there's no category for associate professors). There are about four or five categories that I may fall into, and maybe more than that...alas. I pass it along only so that you can share in my amusement and anxiety. |
At 11/13/2007 10:27:00 PM,
Flavia wrote…
I worry that I fall into a couple of those, too.
But some of the types on that list are pretty clearly gendered male (and there are none that are specifically female). . . whereas some of the irritating professor types that I most fear I embody are distinctly female.
(Luckily, Professor Crazy-Earrings-and-Ethnic-Necklaces is not among them.)
At 11/14/2007 08:42:00 AM,
Simplicius wrote…
Yes, clearly gendered male, which I attribute to the blogger's background in Philosophy. [/snark]
I've been coming up with other types but am not sure which ones truly irritate me. Maybe, Associate Professor Wrote One Book Decades Ago and Am Coasting into Retirement and Taking up Space.
At 11/16/2007 12:46:00 PM,
Pamphilia wrote…
Hmm, as a feminist I'm actually relieved that there are so few types gendered female. I want to believe it's because there are fewer female irritating professors, even though I know it's because there are probably fewer female professors. I'm working on a few types of my own (though some I've already heard elsewhere): Professor Neiman Marxist ; Professor Mothballs ; "rofessor Foot-in-Mouth-Disease (I think that one is me).
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