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- No. 5 (winning entry)
- No. 4 (winning entry)
- No. 3 (winning entry)
- No. 2 (winning entry)
- No. 1 (winning entry)
- About this project
- The Puritan Widow (c.1607)
- Love's Cure (c.1606/1629)
- The Gentleman Usher (1606)
- The Sparagus Garden (1635)
- The Old Law (c.1618)
- All's Lost by Lust (c.1619)
- Happy Mother's Day, EEBO!
- In Purgatorio
- Early Modern Waterboarding
- Rowlands's Etymologies of Names of Contempt
- Hugh Plat
- The Roundhead's Reply?
- An Odd Ballad: "My Bird is a Round-head"
- Gascoigne's Noble Arte of Venerie
At 9/10/2007 01:19:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
Lord Horyn found the Midland Spy Houses spring collection "very last epoch."
At 9/10/2007 03:10:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
The Spanish Inquisition does not torture.
At 9/10/2007 05:49:00 PM,
Greenwit wrote…
Now that I've changed my name, I no longer feel the need to be funny.
(That's not a caption. Though it could be, I guess.)
So liberating! Here's one:
At 9/10/2007 06:57:00 PM,
Pantagruelle wrote…
"Upon awakening to discover that the time machine had dropped him off in a less than ideal location, King George Jr. suddenly realized that perhaps waterboarding was rather torturous after all."
Hey, we can all dream, right?
At 9/10/2007 07:05:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
"Sure, I'd love to play! Mind if I break?"
At 9/10/2007 07:13:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
Junior Facultie
At 9/10/2007 08:24:00 PM,
Simplicius wrote…
That's funny, Pseudo-P!
(Not least because the guy's position definitely captures how I feel as tenure clock slowly expires.)
As for Greenwit, he's so laaammmme.
At 9/10/2007 09:23:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
So ... how much of your grant would you like to contribute to departmental overheads?
At 9/10/2007 09:47:00 PM,
Pantagruelle wrote…
"Prithee, canst thou not defend thy dissertation less screamingly? We're trying to conduct comps by candlelight over here."
At 9/11/2007 10:10:00 AM,
Anonymous wrote…
Cecil and Walsingham were unimpressed by the first recorded performance of Ye Aristocrats!
At 9/11/2007 01:35:00 PM,
Rachel Roberts wrote…
"True, our penis-enlargement process is perchance a touch painful, but, sire, look at the results!"
At 9/11/2007 01:39:00 PM,
Rachel Roberts wrote…
"Vex not thy math-teacher againe with thy squeaks of 'but tis isosceles', and repeat after me: the square on the hypotenuse equaleth the sum of the squares ..."
At 9/11/2007 04:34:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
1) Sundrie neuu and artificiall remedies against great plagues of smal hatts
2) I'm not sure where that post is going, but Jonathan Goldberg's going to historicize it.
3) It's not England. It's Lynndie England.
At 9/11/2007 09:23:00 PM,
Bardiac wrote…
And I've complained about pap smears!
The Journal of the Star Chamber Medical Society: Prostrate Exams in Uncooperative Patients: an EBM Approach to the Exam.
At 9/12/2007 06:00:00 AM,
Bardolph wrote…
So is _this_ what transversalism is?
At 9/12/2007 07:22:00 AM,
Rachel Roberts wrote…
I think the jug is saying: "you humans are crazy..."
At 9/12/2007 10:24:00 AM,
Anonymous wrote…
Thou may’st seize our hereditary rights, stir vaine superstitions about witchcrafte and sorcerie with thy assie shows of learning, yea invade our court with thy bumptious Scotch courtiers, but thou wilt learne the vse of an English chambre pot.
At 9/12/2007 11:23:00 AM,
Fretful Porpentine wrote…
"No, we ordered the rack OF LAMB."
At 9/12/2007 02:04:00 PM,
Adam Roberts wrote…
Bingo. Fretful P. gets my vote ...
At 9/12/2007 07:08:00 PM,
Liza Blake wrote…
I vote for the one about smal hatts. Or Greenwit's.
At 9/12/2007 09:12:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
Paris Hilton's reaction: That's Hot!
At 9/13/2007 09:24:00 AM,
Anonymous wrote…
"Welcome, Bardolph!"
(btw, my fav is pantagruelle's dissertation defense)
At 9/15/2007 09:01:00 AM,
Adam Roberts wrote…
"Didst thou think, sirrah, that the initiation ceremonies into the Delta fraternity would be painless?"
At 9/15/2007 01:08:00 PM,
Pamphilia wrote…
My favorites so far are Bardolph's transversalism caption and pseudo-p's "ye aristocrats," though the bar is getting pretty high, and the others are all pretty swell.
Here's my contribution (admittedly lamer than laaaame):
"Why couldn't I have found a nice espectable job as a table pitcher," the urn wondered.
At 12/16/2007 08:00:00 AM,
Anonymous wrote…
"couldn't we have gone for a more conventional christmas tree?"
At 6/04/2008 08:55:00 AM,
Thomas Ward wrote…
Forms of torture to which French spies were subjected included the rack and British cuisine.
Scribble some marginalia
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