Off topic, but ...
I step away from my computer at around 2pm this afternoon, thinking the markets are going to be relatively calm today, and--boom--the stock markets plunge over 6%?!? What the f*ck?!? Update: And now Asia's markets are experiencing steep declines (8-10% as I type). I pass all this news along simply to note that here at BtR we're aware of the global financial meltdown. Flavia mentioned last week that she vaguely felt like the world was ending, and, um, yeah, I feel that way too. |
At 10/10/2008 02:26:00 AM, Anonymous wrote…
Well, as of now (2008-10-10, 8:17 GMT+2): NY down by 7.3%, Tokyo down by 9.6%, Rome down by 1.6%, etc..
But: no, as long as the Bavarian state does not cut our funds for books, paper, teaching adjuncts, pencils, IT equipment and the like: this won't affect my teaching, I guess.
And: here in times of crisis parents tend to send their children to schools where they'll learn Latin and Ancient Greek (somehow literature in these languages is felt to be more resistant to adverse economical effects than texts in other languages (I never found out why), not to mention the sciences, mathematics, economics, social sciences, law and other fields felt to be extremely volatile (again: no idea why)): the next generation of academic teachers in the field of Renaissance studies might even benefit from the present crisis. [:-)]
At 10/11/2008 02:12:00 PM, Simplicius wrote…
That's interesting, hck: Bavaria is clearly operating under different ideas about the value of Latin and Greek, not to mention the value of funding schools.
The best line I've heard here is that now English majors won't be the only ones without jobs; all those prospective MBAs and business majors are going to be struggling too.
At 10/13/2008 05:30:00 AM, Anonymous wrote…
Here there's definitely a shortage of teachers of Latin at schools, and schools try to hire (almost) anyone who has decent knowledge of Latin (even without a degree in Latin AND without any training for teaching at schools).
Our graduates tend to find decent (though sometimes nor really well paid for) jobs rather soon. But in the other hand: if they'd been in for the money: they'd have studied dentistry, not renaissance intellectual history ... [:-)] ... .
At 10/14/2008 09:58:00 AM, Pasquil wrote…
Really off topic, but ...
First, I wonder if anyone remembers Pasquil around here. I've been undeground working on my book on Renaissance clowns.
Anyway, I'm trying to finish up and would love an image relating to the Lord of Misrule. Does anyone know the origin of the woodcut from caption contest 5? Anything to do with misrule here? Or am I just grasping at straws?(But damn, it's just such a great image! And I can't figure out how to make the fish-humping one fit.)
At 10/14/2008 10:49:00 AM, Hieronimo wrote…
Pasquil: it's from Wing E3093
The English Irish souldier with his new discipline, new armes, old stomacke, and new taken pillage: who had rather eate than fight. Printed at London : for R. Wood, and A. Coe, 1642.
At 10/18/2008 06:03:00 PM, bdh wrote…
Have you considered the 1607 print, "While maskinge in their folleis all doe passe, / though all say nay yet all doe ride the asse"?
Scribble some marginalia
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