Abstinence only ... forever
Did you see this hilarious news item? The Bush administration has decided to expand their abstinence education program:Obviously there's a simple solution: bring back bundling! |
Did you see this hilarious news item? The Bush administration has decided to expand their abstinence education program:Obviously there's a simple solution: bring back bundling! |
At 11/01/2006 09:31:00 AM,
Greenwit wrote…
I still can't believe that the US Government gives people money to tell others not to have sex. A medievalist I know wanted to tap into that by asking for a grant to organize a conference on "Chastity." The federal government, able only to see buzz-words, would immediately hand over the dough. Three days of papers on S and M nuns and 13th century frottage then ensue. Ironic objective achieved.
At 11/01/2006 10:19:00 AM,
Adam wrote…
i like the fact they're "targeting unmarried adults up to age 29". such precision. is the thinking that at 30, people are finally capable of making decisions about their own life? is this the new date at which childhood is officially over?
At 11/01/2006 10:44:00 AM,
Hieronimo wrote…
Come on, if you tell 30 year olds not to have sex before marriage, that would just be absurd. Let's be realistic here.
At 11/01/2006 01:54:00 PM,
Adam wrote…
you're right. that would never work. i see they have indeed thought this through.
At 11/01/2006 02:59:00 PM,
Simplicius wrote…
When are they going to start a program encouraging married adults to have more sex?
From what I hear, this is a big problem for married folks [like my use of Bushist dialect?], and the resulting decline in U.S. birthrates not only proves this to be the case but represents a grave national problem in its own right (especially when combined with all those immigrants illegally entering our porous national borders; fortunately we'll soon have a big long fence down along the Mexican border to take care of that problem).
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