Hey! It's RSA!
Bardolph here, embedded in Chicago. Now this is a city, after all that Dallas nonsense. Too weary to fashion any conference meta-strands right now: jet lag and day-one sociability-exhaustion kicking in. But in the mean time, some early thoughts: (i) scheduling and room allocation seem to have been executed with the savvy efficiency of Guiliani's presidential bid team. So that, for instance, some sessions on the same topic have been plotted against each other, meaning, in one case, a session was canceled; (ii) why are there 16 panels on 'Dress and Identity'? 16! How much identity can we strap on?; (iii) from the throne-like panorama of my enormous bed, I am constantly being offered little invitations to buy the contents of my room. Like the bathrobe? Yours for just $60. Enjoyed the pillows? 50 bucks a pop. I actually do like my pillows -- all nine of them, especially the long barrel-shaped one which I clutch in moments of 3am panic. But I'd think it a little odd to actually purchase the things; (iv) the blank notepad by my phone has the heading 'Your Canvas', which I find infuriating to an almost insane degree. See you after my pre-dinner nap. |
At 4/03/2008 09:13:00 PM,
Hieronimo wrote…
I'm so pleased that we're going to get some RSA blogging. I think that you, Bardolph, are the only one of us there.
At 4/03/2008 09:31:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
Maybe you should draw something choice on "Your Canvas" and attach a price tag to it.
At 4/04/2008 09:23:00 AM,
Bardolph wrote…
Splendid idea, anonymous. A little sketch of the skyline, I think. I am to it, immediately.
At 4/05/2008 01:03:00 AM,
Pamphilia wrote…
Yay for Bardolph for fearlessly braving it at RSA!
I swore it off after the Miami debacle, which had only one good result: I met some really cool people I'd been wanting to meet and we bonded about how miserable the entire experience was.
So no more RSA for Muse until maybe Venice. Virtual BtR RSA is so much better anyway.
$50 per pillow? How many people have used them before you? If none, then what do they do with the used ones anyway?
I bet James will buy a pillow.
At 4/05/2008 04:34:00 PM,
Pedantius wrote…
Hey Bardolph,
My RSA hotel is also selling parts of the room, but there is no notepad in the room at all.
I hadn’t noticed the sixteen “dress and identity” panels until you pointed it out. My first (and typically flippant) response is: what do academics know about dress? Isn’t asking academics about clothes like asking a North Dakotan about surfing? Shouldn’t a friend nominate the whole profession for TLC’s “What Not to Wear?”
But looking around at RSA today, I noticed that a lot of the younger guys were wearing decent-looking suits – no crazy floodpants or way oversized jackets or anything like that. Are there more suits at RSA than other conferences? Once these guys get tenure, are they going to revert to wearing crazy professor garb?
Maybe these questions were addressed at one of the “dress and identity” panels.
At 4/06/2008 08:00:00 PM,
Anonymous wrote…
Shall we mention the apt quotations printed on each and every page of the room service menu?
At 4/07/2008 03:45:00 AM,
James wrote…
Somebody buy me a pillow and I'll pay you back at GEMCS.
Does RSA still schedule all the sessions any one person could find interesting at the same time?
At 7/15/2008 10:10:00 AM,
ThePhDLitChick wrote…
Ha! I was there - I remember those barrel shaped pillows...I too was clutching them at 3am! Chicago was, indeed, a fantastic city. My first RSA....
Scribble some marginalia
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